Saturday, August 22, 2009

Instrutor 45 and friends - Video

Capoeira takes you many places, such as across town for another teacher's roda, to across the ocean for batizados and encounters such as Vadeia Mundo Vadeia in Gent, Belgium. It is on these trips, shows, and everyday training that we make friends who become a part of our capoeira lives and history.
So take a look at the collection of pictures below to see just some of the people that have been a part of Instrutor 45's capoeira journey.

Instrutor 45's 1st Kid's Batizado at Sonho Meu - Liberdade, Salvador, BA

The article below published by Correio da Bahia, was when 45 had his first kid's batizado at Sonho Meu, in the neighborhood where he grew up.
Instrutor 45 taught at Sonho Meu for three years; ending every school year with a batizado celebrating the kid's dedication and appreciation for the art of capoeira.

Best Green Cord in ABADA Capoeira National Games in 2002

Check out the article of Instrutor 45 in Correio da Bahia when he won best green cord in the ABADA Capoeira Brazilian Games in 2002.
Being there and watching 45 do one of the highest mortals in history was definitely something to never forget!

Keep your eyes on the blog, there is a lot more to come!